Microsoft Office - Word - Excel - PowerPoint - Access - Tutorials Resource Books

Microsoft Office - Word - Excel - PowerPoint - Access - Tutorials Resource Books

Microsoft Office is a suite of applications designed to help with productivity and completing common tasks on a computer. You can create and edit documents containing text and images, work with data in spreadsheets and databases, and create presentations and posters.

The core programs in Microsoft Office are

  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Access
  • Outlook
  • Publisher
  • OneNote

Importance of learning Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is the most broadly used tool for sharing or presenting professional information by a significant number of companies in the world. The advantages of Microsoft Office to business productivity are important that all computer-based professionals nowadays are very acquainted with Microsoft Office.

It is used at home, schools, and offices regularly for organizing, handling, and presenting data and information as it offers programs that can be used both on a desktop/mobile and a web browser.

A beginner can start with the basics of Microsoft Office Suite and later go for the more advanced level for a better understanding. If someone is already familiar with the basics of Microsoft Office Suite and wants to enhance their skills, jump right into intermediate or advanced training courses/lessons. 

Following Tutorial PDF Files will provide basic knowledge on Microsoft Office Suite.

Click on the relevant download button to download the file.

Microsoft Office Word - Sinhala 

Word Processing (MS Office - Word) - Sinhala

Word Processing (MS Office - Word) - English

Mircrosoft Office Excel - Sinhala

Electronic Spreadsheet (MS Office - Excel) - Sinhala

Electronic Spreadsheet (MS Office - Excel) - English

Microsoft Office PowerPoint - Sinhala

Electronic Presentations (MS Office - PowerPoint) - Sinhala

Electronic Presentations (MS Office - PowerPoint) - English

Microsoft Office Access - Sinhala

Database (MS Office - Access) - Sinhala

Database (MS Office - Access) - English

Find out Free Online Courses to study MS Office Suite. 

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If you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us. 

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